A tribute to M.S.Subbulakshmi
It would be difficult to overstate the talent and the impact made by Smt. M.S. Subbulakshmi, not just in the field of Carnatic music, but also as a philanthropist and a person who placed her life at the service of her country and its people. She was both much larger than life and utterly human in her interaction with others.
The purpose of this web site is to provide a forum to share information and anecdotes about the legendary carnatic singer and philanthropist Smt. M.S.Subbulakshmi. If you are an admirer or a friend, a person who enjoyed her music or were in some way touched by her life, we invite you to add your comments and anecdotes for others to share.
This site will be moderated on a regular basis and it is hoped the comments and contributions of others will create a rich mosaic of information and insight into the life of this wonderful artist who inspired so many, shared so much and made such profound impact on all who met her.